The 7 best ways to enlarge the head of your penis

The safest way to enlarge the head of the penis is the introduction of a special gel based on hyaluronic acid.. The active ingredient is hypoallergenic and this is the main advantage of the method.

Hyaluronic acid is produced in the human body, so it is not foreign and is not rejected.

The gel is injected while the penis is completely relaxed.

All manipulations must be carried out by a doctor. Due to the fact that hyaluronic acid is gradually absorbed, the procedure must be carried out at least once a year to maintain the effect.


  1. Before the gel is injected, the patient must pass certain tests. This is done in order to exclude any hidden pathologies that could be contraindications. The doctor treats the head with an antiseptic solution, then carefully injects the anesthetic.
  2. The gel is injected between the internal tissues of the headand the trunk and integuments, after which it is distributed under the skin with hand movements.
  3. Once the procedure is complete, the doctor will again treat the penis with an antiseptic and close the head with the foreskin.

The gel is good because it keeps evenly under the skin, it does not accumulate in one place. The procedure does not cause asymmetry or loss of natural appearance.

This method is strictly contraindicated in patients with inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system and venereal diseases.

All manipulations are performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis and take no more than half an hour.

How to increase the head of the penis?

A man wants to enlarge the glans

There are a huge number of ways to increase the glans. It is very difficult to guess which of them will be the most suitable. Usually, at first, men resort to using the simplest and most affordable methods - creams, all kinds of exercises, folk methods.

Only in the event that all efforts are in vain, the representatives of the stronger sex resort to radical methods - injections and operations. Below we will talk about each of the methods in more detail.


Men who are not satisfied with the size of the penis often resort to special exercises to eliminate this problem. If you perform them regularly, it is quite possible to achieve your goal.

Do not think that the effect will come immediately - it will take time to achieve the goals.

However, experts strongly recommend that you devote no more than half an hour to classes every day, otherwise unpleasant consequences may occur.

The following exercises will help increase the size of the head:

  1. "Milking" of the penis.A member in an excited state must be squeezed at the base with the palm of the hand. So you have to start moving your hand up. Such stimulation increases blood flow, due to which, over time, the head increases in size.
  2. Compression of the penis.It is necessary to compress the reproductive organ until the period when the penis becomes very hard. The exercise should be repeated 10 to 15 times.
  3. Alternating strokes to the thighs. Before starting the exercise, you need to take a sitting position in a chair and spread your knees as wide as possible. Feet should be flat on the floor. The blows to the hips should be strong enough, although not traumatic. The sexual organ should be in a relaxed state.


Using gels and creams is one of the ways to increase the penis head

Among the most common methods of enlarging the head is the use of special gels. This method is much less dangerous than surgery.

The only drawback is the relatively low efficiency and difficult to achieve results.

Usually for this purpose, gels based on hyaluronic acid are used. The principle of influence is based on filling the space in the head area, as a result the volume becomes much larger.

The technique is completely non-traumatic, there is no recovery period, and the number of contraindications is minimized.

The gel is injected under local anesthesia. The procedure is performed only by a doctor of relevant practice. After all manipulations, swelling and redness of the tissues may appear. These symptoms shouldn't cause much concern, because. they are the absolute norm.

Important:Head enlargement with the help of a gel is also carried out by the local method. For this, special tools are used that need to be rubbed daily into the head.


The use of various creams gives a fairly quick, but not very long-lasting result. Advantages include relative safety, availability, ease of use.

The most popular are the following tools:

  1. Cream with a very powerful herbal formula based on extracts, protein hydrolysates and amino acids. Immediately after the active ingredients begin their work, an increase in the blood supply appears in the head area, on which the principle of the effect of the cream is based.
  2. Cream containing a well-chosen combination of plant extracts and oils. Regular use increases not only the head, but also the shaft of the penis.
  3. A completely natural preparation that has won the trust of many men. Cream with arginine root extract and ginger not only widens the glans but also improves sexual desire and erection.

Important:In order not to make a mistake in choosing the cream and to get the maximum effect from its use, it is better to consult a specialist about this problem.


A vacuum pump will help to temporarily enlarge the head of the penis

To enlarge the head of the penis, some men resort to using massagers such as a vacuum pump or an extender. It is worth noting that such devices, as a rule, completely enlarge the organ, and not just a part.

This method has two main advantages: simplicity and convenience. Using a vacuum pump, you can achieve an increase in size, but only before the proximity.

Important:Don't wait for the eternal effect of the vacuum pump. The result obtained will be lost in a couple of hours. Therefore, the pump is only advantageous in terms of instant results.

The disadvantage of using massagers is the need for their regular use.


To increase the head and shaft of the penis, the representatives of the stronger sex resort to the use of hormonal drugs. Only a doctor should prescribe such funds, because. any attempt to achieve the desired result by one's own strength can cause irreparable damage to health.

Doctors prescribe drugs for men in the form of capsules or tablets. The disadvantage of this method is that such drugs have to be taken for a long time.

It should be noted that hormonal agents are used very rarely to enlarge the head. And all because such medicines have a number of disadvantages, which include high costs, negative effects on the body, a large number of side effects.

Folk remedies

Baking soda is used as a penis enlargement agent

To increase the glans, folk methods have proven themselves well.

Anyone can try them at home:

  1. Drink.You can increase the penis at home with the help of soda. To do this, you need to take a hot bath, steam the reproductive organ well and provoke an erection. Then apply soda with massaging movements and rub gently for 5-8 minutes. Another way: dilute a tablespoon of soda in a liter of water, use as a penis bath. Such manipulations must be repeated every other day for 30 days. If the effect was insufficient, a new course can be completed in a month.
  2. Petrolatum.You can change the size of the head by introducing petroleum jelly into the penis. First of all, it is necessary to treat the genitals with an antiseptic solution. Then, in a small syringe, you need to draw 15 ml of petroleum jelly, remove the foreskin and, using an injection, inject petroleum jelly into the fold that appears. The injection should be done at a 45 degree angle. One injection is usually enough to get the desired result.

    Important:It is worth noting that this method, which is performed by many men alone, is very dangerous, because. very often it leads to a number of complications.

  3. Ginseng tincture.A very effective tool for penis enlargement is ginseng tincture, which can be purchased ready-made. The drug is taken 20 drops 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 2 weeks. If the effect turned out to be mild, you can repeat the application of the tincture in a month.
Promote an increase in the head of the penis by taking ginseng tincture


The most radical solution to the problem of a small penis head is to make it bigger with the help of surgery.

Changing the size of the penis head is essentially plastic surgery, so you can't do without proper preparation.

Not all representatives of the stronger sex can eliminate the problem in this way: the operation has some contraindications.

It is impossible not to mention the risks associated with surgery:

  • High probability of changing the shape of the penis.
  • The risk of infection.
  • Long period of preparation for surgery.
  • Possible loss of sensation in the penis.
  • Long recovery period.

There are several types of penis enlargement surgery:

  1. Granuloplasty. Return to normal shape.
  2. Dissection of the containment ring. The surgeon releases the end, which is pinched by excessively tight flesh.
  3. Denervation. The impact on the nerve endings will give a persistent reflex.
  4. Dissection of the foreskin. The thin skin that prevents exposure of the crown is removed.

The cost of such operations can vary significantly depending on the city, the reputation of the clinic and the qualifications of the specialists.

Possible risks with the increase

Some glans enlargers can cause allergies

There are always some risks when manipulations aimed at raising the head. For example, if a man resorts to the use of creams or injections, there is a possibility of intolerance to one or another component of the drug.

If you decide to try folk methods on yourself, you should be especially careful when using all kinds of decoctions and infusions - they can cause unpleasant consequences in the form of an allergic reaction, gastrointestinal upset and a general deterioration in well-being.

Injections and surgery represent the greatest danger: there is always a possibility of infection and, after the operation, it will be necessary to go through a long period of rehabilitation.

Before choosing any method of penis enlargement, it is necessary to evaluate all its advantages and disadvantages and only then resort to its use.


  • "To enlarge the head of the penis, I resorted to various folk methods, but nothing helped. As a result, I decided to do injections with hyaluronic acid.

    The procedure went quickly enough, did not cause undesirable consequences, and most importantly, I managed to achieve the desired effect. I think this is a very effective way, which is the most suitable for men.

  • "Because of the small head, I experienced strong complexes. For a long time he could not decide, but in the end he still fell under the surgeon's knife. Yes, the operation was expensive, but I was very happy with the result.

    I do not hide it: it took a long time to recover after the operation, but now I can, without any hesitation, appear completely naked in front of the girl with the enlarged head and, above all, give the lady of the heart an unforgettable night of love.

Medium size

Men are often visited by the desire to enlarge the head of the penis

In the course of a large number of scientific studies, it has been found that male genital organs can vary in size in different men, depending on various factors. First of all, it concerns nationality and race.

In a number of countries, it is customary to consider the following penis size as an absolute norm: the length of the entire organ is 14 cm, the length of the head is 4 cm It is worth noting that the measurements were made at time when the reproductive organ was in an excited state.

During the measurements, some men may decide that their head is very small. Such a problem forces them to look for a way that can solve it.